Pest Library
What You Need To Know About Pests In Iowa
Are you tired of insects moving in and out of your yard or home as they please? If you answered yes, we can help by providing you with helpful information about these pests and the pest control services necessary to remove them.
Bed Bugs
Bed bugs are small insects that invade our homes and businesses, using the people inside as a food source. Blood is the sole source of nutrition for bed bugs, and human blood happens to be their preferred blood source. As you can imagine, bed bugs have become closely associated with people and are difficult to avoid and control.
Bed bugs are small, dark reddish-brown, and have flat oval bodies. Their color and shape allow them to move and hide without much notice. Bed bugs often hide in things like bags, luggage, furniture, mattresses, rugs, and clothing. When these items are moved from one location to another, the bed bugs move with them. Bed bugs aren't picky and can make themselves comfortable in any structure providing food (people, rodents, cats, and dogs) and warm shelter.
Here are a few ways to avoid introducing bed bugs into your home and prevent problems with these blood-feeding pests:
- Take care when using shared laundry facilities, and always bring your clothing and linens home to fold.
- Do your best to keep belongings up off the ground and away from other people's things in public places.
- Always inspect your hotel room for bed bug activity before bringing luggage inside.
- Inspect secondhand items for bed bugs before bringing them indoors.
For more information about bed bug control in Marshalltown, Iowa, reach out today.
Cockroaches are always unwelcome insects in our homes because they are unsanitary and difficult to control. While most of the world's cockroaches live outside, away from people and our structures, a few have made themselves well-known as common household pests. Unfortunately, having cockroaches move into our homes poses significant health risks. Cockroaches spread allergens, foul odors, and disease-causing pathogens and parasites. They are also responsible for contaminating large amounts of food.
The two most common cockroaches inside Iowa homes are the German cockroach and the Oriental cockroach. German cockroaches are small, fast-moving cockroaches. They have adapted to living inside man-made structures like our homes, restaurants, and grocery stores. Oriental cockroaches have a more beetle-like appearance and are slow-moving. They have high moisture needs and like to live in areas with a lot of moisture or standing water.
Here are a few ways to make your property less attractive to cockroaches and prevent problems with these dangerous insects.
- Ensure your home is well-ventilated and use dehumidifiers in damp areas.
- Store outdoor trash cans away from the outside walls of your home and always keep lids on them.
- Maintain a clean kitchen.
- Regularly vacuum and dust your house.
- Keep your home free of the clutter that can disguise a cockroach infestation.
For more information about cockroach control in Marshalltown, Iowa, reach out today!
Emerald Ash Borer
The emerald ash borer is a non-native species. It was introduced into the United States from Asia and first discovered outside of Detroit, Michigan, in 2002. Since its introduction, they have caused the death of tens of millions of ash trees throughout the United States. They reside in more than 30 states, including Iowa.
The emerald ash borer is a type of beetle. The females lay their eggs under the bark trees; when the larvae hatch, they feed on the tree's inner bark. The damage they cause makes it impossible for the tree to transport the water and nutrients it needs to survive. Containing these beetles is essential so that these destructive pests cannot spread and kill more ash trees than they already have!
The best way to contain an emerald ash borer infestation and prevent their spread is to partner with a professional. If you see signs of an emerald ash borer infestation such as metallic green beetles or a lot of woodpecker activity, or you notice d-shaped exit holes in the bark of ash trees on your property, you need professional help. For more information about emerald ash borer Control in Marshalltown, Iowa, reach out today.
Mosquitoes are a type of fly. They have small oval bodies, six long, thin legs, and, like other types of flies, mosquitoes only have one pair of wings. Female mosquitoes require blood meals to produce viable eggs. They use their proboscis, an elongated, piercing, sucking mouthpart, to feed on their warm-blooded hosts. Females lay their eggs on top of standing water, and warm temperatures and rainy weather cause mosquito populations to explode.
Despite their tiny size, mosquitoes are one of the world's most deadly insects. They are dangerous to people and animals because of their ability to spread diseases. While not every mosquito carries a disease, many do, so it is crucial to avoid contact with them as much as possible. They also spread parasites like heartworms which can be deadly to pets that are not on a preventative. Reducing mosquito populations on your property is the best way to minimize contact with these pests.
Here are a few ways you can make your property less attractive to mosquitoes and prevent problems with these biting pests.
- Remove as much standing water from your property as possible.
- Store containers that can collect rainwater upside down when they aren't in use, such as wading pools, buckets, and flowerpots.
- Take away mosquito resting spots by keeping the grass cut short and pruning shrubbery and trees.
- Plant lavender, mint, and marigolds in gardens which mosquitoes find unpleasant.
For more information about mosquito control in Marshalltown, Iowa, reach out today.
Stinging Insects
Stinging insects are an intricate part of nature; without them, our world would be very different. We should protect stinging insects because they are valuable pollinators, effective predators, and provide a food source for other animals. Yet, as helpful as stinging insects like bees, wasps, yellow jackets, and hornets are to us; they pose a threat to you, your kids, and your pets when they nest in our yards.
These helpful insects are dangerous because the stings they deliver are painful and filled with venom. Those allergic to a stinging insect's venom can experience a localized and relatively mild reaction or a whole-body reaction that can affect a person's ability to breathe. Stinging insects are regular visitors because our yards provide sheltered places to nest, food sources, and reliable water sources.
Here are a few ways you can make your property less attractive to stinging insects and prevent problems with these unwanted visitors.
- Remove standing water that provides a water source.
- Cut back trees and shrubs that provide nesting sites for stinging insects near your home's exterior.
- Remove downed trees, brush piles, and other debris from your yard that could act as a nesting site.
- Keep caps on chimneys, mesh covers on vents, and repair damaged window screens to keep stinging insects out of your house.
Call today for more information about stinging insect control in Marshalltown, Iowa.
Termites are insects that feed on cellulose from trees, wooden structures, and other materials. Each species has unique feeding, breeding, and nesting habits. What they do have in common is that they can cause unmatched structural damage inside homes and other structures.
Subterranean termites have high moisture needs and prefer to feed on water-damaged or decaying wood. These termites live together in large colonies, nest underground, and move from their nest to food source through the soil or the mud tubes they create. Drywood termites have low moisture needs, live together in smaller numbers, and prefer to invade and feed on dry or sound wood. They actually live within the wood they use as a food source.
Reducing excess moisture in or around your home is the best way to make your property less attractive to termites and prevent problems with these wood-destroying pests. Make sure your gutters are in good working order to ensure water flows away from your home's perimeter. Repair cracks in your home's exterior and replace damaged roof shingles. It is also crucial to fix dripping pipes and ensure proper ventilation. For more information about termite control in Marshalltown, Iowa, reach out today.